Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Gotta love Chicago politics!

This made me laugh. From this article:
Rob Halpin, a businessman who is significantly less known to the public, also filed petitions [for mayor]. Mr. Halpin has drawn attention for his address more than anything else. He rented the North Side home owned by Mr. Emanuel, and declined to give it up when Mr. Emanuel decided this fall to leave Washington and return to Chicago to run for mayor.

Mr. Halpin says that his mayoral bid has nothing at all to do with his housing situation, Mr. Emanuel or Mr. Emanuel’s wish to be mayor. Still, Mr. Halpin’s entry into the race underscores the legal challenge that is expected to be filed on Wednesday against Mr. Emanuel’s candidacy.
I can just see it now:
Emanuel: Get outta my house!
Halpin: Make me!

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Happiest People in Europe? The Irish!

A Eurostat survey on mental health found that the Irish are among the happiest in Europe, with 79% saying they were happy for most or all of the four weeks before being questioned. Irish people have the lowest level of physical or emotional problems, are less likely than most to be tense or depressed, and are among the most likely to feel calm and peaceful. I know, I know, you all think it's cause of the Guinness.  Well....

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Another mob trial begins in Chi

They are currently picking jury members for another colorful Outfit trial.
I wonder how long this is going to take. "Uhhhhh judge, I have to be out of town!"
(sorry, Jane, it's the truth!)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Picture of 'stang

Here is the '67 'stang I see when I run. Yeah!

Cool '67 Mustang

I saw the sweetest vintage Mustang today on Winthrop. It looks a lot like mine, but off by about year--I'm sure this one was a '67 (it's got a bar in the middle of the grill). Plus, the paint job is much nicer than mine, they must have just gotten it done. Makes me want to get a new paint job. I'll try to grab a pic of it if I see it again...RD